Quotes By Derrick

July 24, 2020


Filed under: Uncategorized — DRob @ 12:09 am

Don’t let fear stop you from being the best version of yourself.

July 5, 2020


Filed under: Uncategorized — DRob @ 9:05 pm

You will be measured by your mind not your mouth. Silence will always win not matter what.


Filed under: Uncategorized — DRob @ 8:56 pm

You can’t teach if they not willing to learn.


Filed under: Uncategorized — DRob @ 8:51 pm

You will never be taken seriously by your ignorance.

July 4, 2020


Filed under: Uncategorized — DRob @ 12:03 am

Sometimes moving forward isn’t as easy as it seems without balance.

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